Monday, December 17, 2007

obsess much?


Why yes, yes i do.


I can't focus. I try to concentrate on work, but my mind wanders. Cute boy with sexy smile.... sigh. I can't let myself have this crush again! No no no no no. It was too big, it made me a crazy and obsessive. Ack, i'm on that path again!!


He called me yesterday and invited me over to watch a movie. I played it cool, said I'd give him a shout after dinner, see how late it was etc. After I hung up, I promptly had a mini-seizure of glee. Hopped around frantically like the floor was on fire. All my self-restraint and "cool" was out the window. Called a friend and babbled on a mile a minute, mostly just saying eeeeeeek he called he called he called! Yeah, pretty much behaved like a 12 year old girl.


So this will go nowhere, which is why i must, abolutely must, nip this crush in the bud right now! We hung out last night, and it was all just friendly. Didn't actually watch a movie, just chatted for a couple of hours. All FRIEND-LIKE. Bah, stupid friends!!!! Sitting on the couch talking and all i'm thinking is 'damn you're cute!' Oh the agony, the torment!


I have to accept that this will always be unrequited. Must stop daydreaming and pining...


Laoch said...

He did not invite you over to be friends.  Be bold!

Laoch said...

Inviting you over is date like.  I think you should invite him on a Friday out for happy hour.As to him only wanting to be friends, I think that unlikely.  Risking seeming insensitive, why does he need a female friend?  I am sure he has lots of male friends to hang out with, watch sports, drink beer, etc..I think being direct is best.  It saves a lot of trauma in the end.  I think if he asks you over again you should say something like, "is this a date?"

Laoch said...

As to casual aloofness it might be him being protective of himself being worried that you might reject him.  Otherwise it is possible that he is not interested but why then invite you over?  Hopefully this will have a happy ending.

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