Yeah, it's Monday night and I'm a bit drunk - what're you gonna do about it??
I've had it! This is the last fucking time you will let me down. I was a better friend than you ever deserved and all you did was prove me a fool for always giving you second chances. Well fuck you! For ten goddamn years I gave you the benefit of the doubt; forgave your hurtfulness; thought the best of you. And for brief moments I felt justified. You made a good show of coming off like a decent human being. But you aren't. You are an insensitive, hypocritical, selfish asshole.
I used to want the best for you; I really hoped you were happy. I was there for you because I cared and I respected you. I think you can tell that I've lost all respect and don't give a shit what happens to you anymore.
I've deleted sentence after sentence of cruel yet truthful remarks. I want to be mean, hit you where it hurts because we both know I could. But I guess the wine is wearing off. And you're just not worth it.