Wednesday, March 14, 2007


I'm home sick today. Had a headache for a few days, and last night it escalated to the point where I felt the pressure was going to eject my eyeballs from my head. KAPOP! Ugh. And throwing up too, I think just because the headache was so intense. I went to bed very early and slept for about 12 hours. My head still feels sore and my eyeballs tender, but I think I will try to go do half a day. Such a trooper.


t i m said...

Aww, get well soon. :)

bob said...

sorry to hear that manders... hope it passes quick.

You have just received the Amish Computer Virus. Since the Amish don\'t have computers, it is based on the honor system. So please delete all the files from your computer. Thank you for you cooperation.
[lol, j/k...]

karen said...

Hope your feeling a bit better by now, flu has been going round here lately too and it\'s a doozy.....most of my classmates have had close to 5 days off for included.
Our snow has taken a real beating here last couple days (YAY!!!)...should get more of one tonight, we are expecting rain (we get more precipitation per year than Vancouver....if you can believe it!).
High def memories....yes i was scrolling through the back is too bad we can\'t recall things as we\'d like to, I\'ve said a few times I need a new OS for my brain, can\'t seem to find all sorts of info that should be easily at my beck and call....sigh....older we get the fuller it gets......or that\'s my theory!
have a great one....
c u round!

Jade said...

I hope you didn\'t injure your neck or something in marshal arts... Hope you get better!

Will said...

Ugh, I know what you\'re feeling. I had something like that (without the throwing up thank God) 2 weeks ago. Get well soon!

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