Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Halloween apples!

I always preferred that option over the more standard "trick or treat" yell. It has a nice little sing songy tune.

We're not in the Halloween spirit this year. No candy can be collected at our door. No jack o'lanterns on the snowy steps. No cobwebs clinging to the doorway.

Oh wait, we do have those.

Just a regular old Tuesday night. Went to belly dancing. Trudged back through the snow without slipping - yay. I did go out on the weekend though. It was pretty fun. Well, on a fun scale, I guess it would register a 6. That's actually not very fun. I just liked checking out all the costumes, but nothing too interesting took place. I went as Alice in Wonderland. But the dress was a bit big so I looked wider than I really am and I think that the wig made me look like a guy in drag.

Happy Halloween!


Aileen said...

the night could have been an 8 if i wasn\'t sick......rats!

Will said...

That song by Jefferson Airplane just popped into my head. "One pill makes you tall, aand one makes you small. And the pills that mother give you don\'t do anything at all. Go ask Alice, when she\'s ten feet tall..."

bob said...

omg i see that capn quaywood freak has been to your blog too... you really gotta wonder if some people are all there lol.
Personally i think you look great in your costume, absolutely terrific!

Heather said...

Nah you looked good....

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