Wednesday, January 18, 2006

read me read me!

This is very exciting, I thought my blog wasn't faring so well these days, but I'm actually nearing 100,000 hits! I'm a mere 99 and eighty thouasand away! Woowee!

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, I suck.


deadites said...

Sing along.. 99 and eighty thousand blogs on the wall, 99 and eighty thousand blogs.. if one of those blogs should get a hit, 99 and seven hundred 99 thousand blogs on the wall......

Brenda said...

lmao!!um...i posted a pic of you on my blog...hope that\'s okay?

Marley said...

woo hoo.....congrats!and yes, I agree....Rick should be condemned to an eternity of cooking gourmet meals for me ;)

bob said...

awww sweetie, you don\'t suck [and what you do in your private life is none of my business anyway...]truth be told i know i\'ve been bad as far as being sociable, jez it seems i\'ve always got something on the go - i\'ve neglected my own blog often lately.that said, me bad - and with that menacing finger pointed my way i shall redeem myself of this transgression. Anything to avoid the slap of a ruler - ever thought of installing a counter and setting it at 10 grand?

Jade said...

YaaaaaaY!!!!!hey, I saw a pic on some blog of you as a kid eating a kitten :OLOL!!!!

Vanishingword said...

I haven\'t had nearly that many hits yet!

peabody said...


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