I may still be drunk.
It started off with a few quiet beers. The case came with a deck of cards and some poker chips. I've realised that I'm a terrible poker player because I never want to bet anything and I can't bluff to save my life. Even with pretend money, I'm cheap and cowardly! Bet a chip worth 50 make-believe dollars? ARE YOU MAD??? Not the most exciting game.
So all was fine, just sitting around chatting etc. Then came a few shots of sour puss. Mmm.... tasty. Then we went to the bar.
Things I remember on my own from this point on:
1. Eating the celery from my caesar.
2. Panicking over my missing mittens.
3. Starting to walk home, which was very far, perhaps looking for the mittens. No, this doesn't make sense.
4. Talking all the way home (my friends tossed me in their truck) about my missing mittens.
5. Calling their cell phones several times to inquire about my missing mittens.
Things I remembered once reminded:
1. Dancing
2. Not recognizing my own neighborhood and telling my friend she was going the wrong way.
Things I don't remember at all:
1. Doing three more shooters.
2. Leaving a message on my friend's machine after I was dropped off, saying I still wanted to go do something.
3. Anything I said that didn't have to do with my mittens.
So, there you have it.
I have confirmed that my mittens are safe and sound at my friend's place. Phew!
mittenmittenmittenmitten.... it gets funnier the more i say it. mitten. mitten.
It started off with a few quiet beers. The case came with a deck of cards and some poker chips. I've realised that I'm a terrible poker player because I never want to bet anything and I can't bluff to save my life. Even with pretend money, I'm cheap and cowardly! Bet a chip worth 50 make-believe dollars? ARE YOU MAD??? Not the most exciting game.
So all was fine, just sitting around chatting etc. Then came a few shots of sour puss. Mmm.... tasty. Then we went to the bar.
Things I remember on my own from this point on:
1. Eating the celery from my caesar.
2. Panicking over my missing mittens.
3. Starting to walk home, which was very far, perhaps looking for the mittens. No, this doesn't make sense.
4. Talking all the way home (my friends tossed me in their truck) about my missing mittens.
5. Calling their cell phones several times to inquire about my missing mittens.
Things I remembered once reminded:
1. Dancing
2. Not recognizing my own neighborhood and telling my friend she was going the wrong way.
Things I don't remember at all:
1. Doing three more shooters.
2. Leaving a message on my friend's machine after I was dropped off, saying I still wanted to go do something.
3. Anything I said that didn't have to do with my mittens.
So, there you have it.
I have confirmed that my mittens are safe and sound at my friend's place. Phew!
mittenmittenmittenmitten.... it gets funnier the more i say it. mitten. mitten.
Mittens are incredibly important.
I\'m with Laoch......they are important! Especially to us Canadians. You need an \'idiot string\'. I hope you know what that is and I didn\'t insult u in anyway ;)Take care.
you need mitten strings...
Mitten strings also make good dental flaws, in NewFoundLand
You need some mitten clips!http://www.rainbowconnection.com/index.php/cPath/148
hahaha.... you know.. you would fit perfectly into one of my evenings of debauch. Last time, we all took turns trying on my friend, "Jills" tiny jacket in the bar while singing, "Kelsi is wearing a tiny coat" followed by , "michelle is wearing a tiny coat" and "Kim is wearing a tiny coat". All good songs.
Jill was not meant to be in quotations. Sometimes I get carried away.
I am still unsure.
Did you find them?
mittens mittens mittens mittens mittens..mitten madness!i, also, blame it on the sour puss..
Hahahahahahahahhahaaaa !!!! Way to be hun!!!Looove it!!!!!!! Wish I could have witnessed it all myself though!LMAO!!!!!!Hugglessssssssssssssssssssss.............(...(`.-``\'´´-.´)...)........................)......--.......--....(......................../......(o..._...o)....\\.......................\\.........(..0..)......./....................__.`.-._...\'=\'.._.-.´.__............../.......\'#.\'#.,.--.,.#\'.#.\'....\\............\\__))..........\'#\'......... ((__/.....__xxxxxxxxxxx______xxxxxxxxxx_xxxxxxxxxxxxxx___xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx____xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx_______xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx_________xxxxxxxxxxxxx___________xxxxxxxxx____________xxxxxx_____________xxxx_____________xxx_____________xxAng xox
There is nothing worse than being completely drunk and losing your MITTENS. Be thankful you were still able to SAY mittens....you could have lost your orange toque, and then been totally phonetically screwed!! HA!
Yipes be careful around those "quiet" beers...they\'ll get you every time..LOL I\'m the same way about even fake money! Mittensmittensmittensmittenskinda like kittens...aww, you were a drunk kitten who lost her mittens--it happened when you drank that sour-puss!
lmfao!we would be dangerous drunk together i can tell. i have SO many similiar stories :)
you have an empty player - try these on for size(if you rightclick the links and select "save target as", you can save them to your computer):http://h1.ripway.com/bobbywobbles/Friday_vs_Monday.wmvhttp://h1.ripway.com/bobbywobbles/jesus.wmvhttp://h1.ripway.com/bobbywobbles/mastercard[1].wmv
I do not use ketchup. Ketchup is the devil. DEVIL I TELL YA!!nice to hear you got your mittens back..and yes, it does sound funny if you say it a buncha times..*lick*Az
Imagine a world without mittens...
hehehehe Love your site! :D
wtf? you STILL drunk or what?
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