Wednesday, March 2, 2011

i'm not crazy, i just act that way

my mother once told me i had an addictive personality. at first i was all flattered, thinking she meant that i had such a sparkling personality, it was addictive to others. people can't get enough of me, yay me! but alas, no such luck. she just meant that i get easily addicted to things. this comment was said during my jurassic park phase. yes, i had a jurassic park phase. it's not something i'm proud of, and i'm really not sure why on earth i got so carried away, but it really was ridiculous. no, ridiculous is too much of an understatement. complete and utter nutcase obsession is a shade closer to the truth.

ah yes, i remember it so clearly. it all began with a girls' night out at the movies the night after our dreaded grade 10 physics exam....(doodleoodoodleoodoodleoo wavy lines nostalgic flashback doodleoodoodleoo)

June 11, 1993. i remember the date the film opened, so you can already see how serious this is. my friends and i saw the movie either on opening night or very shortly thereafter. the theatre was packed, everyone flinching and screaming together. it was so exciting! a friend and i immediately became infatuated. we went to see it the following weekend, racing like maniacs to the theatre, convinced that the man in the red car driving next to us was going to grab the last two seats!

from there the obsession just grew. we passed notes in class about it, we bought jurassic park trading cards and books. my collection eventually went on to include postcards, sticker books, stamps, magazines, a poster, a calendar, a viewfinder, and even "raptor bites" (disgusting, inedible hard candy). oh, and i saw the film a total of 13 times in the theatre, each viewing commemorated with a proud dinosaur stamp on my jurassic park calendar. oy. and i made my family buy their own copy of the vhs because i didn't want to share mine. what a loonietoon.

i've gone through other obsessions, although none quite as formidable as the jurassic park phase. nowadays i try to keep my - let's call them enthusiastic interests - in check. sure, i may have 15+ years of stars on ice programs stashed away, shelves full of crossword and trivia books, a collection of keychains that probably weighs more than a small child, and that viewfinder is most likely still hiding somewhere among my dusty treasures. but i also managed to part with the piles of ratty newspapers clippings about goran ivanisevic and wimbledon 2001. and i curbed my impulse to buy a second set of Buffy dvds (even though they were in a way cooler box)! see? see all the self-control??

yeah, i'm normal.

i don't have any fancy photoshop program, but that doesn't stop me :p


Deborah said...

LOL ... you are so funny and a delight to read! :o)

Chelle said...

I love X men.

So much.

Victoria said...

Addictive personalities are awesome. I mean, you start watching Buffy, and before you know it, you've got all 7 seasons on dvd, a binder full of fan art and fiction, posters all over your room and tons of interesting and NOT AT ALL USELESS facts about the characters memorised. I assume. It's not like I ever did that. Not at all. *cough*buffy/spikeforever*cough*

manders said...

my brother was quick to point out that i actually saw JP 14 times in the theatre. yeesh

Antares Cryptos said...

Nothing wrong with passion. I doubt paleontologists would be removing sand with a brush if they didn't have it.

Did you know that Brontosaurus is now called Apatosaurus?

Unknown said...

I feel like this post does not adequately explain the nature of the obsession. Was it really JP, or was it Sam Neill in JP? ;)

Unknown said...

OH, and if you are looking for something new to get addicted to, you must check out the Doctor Who reboot. I have to admit that my obsession there is the closest I have come to repeating the JP hysteria... which is even more pathetic at 27 than it was at 17. :)

manders said...

yeesh allie, i thought this admission was embarrassing enough. i didn't also want to admit to the massive and unexplainable infatuation with the movie's 45 year old star :s

and since when are you only 27? haha

Unknown said...

I thought that would spark a comment. I was going for the poetic symmetry of 17 to 27, which is how old I was when I got into Dr. Who. If not, sadly, how old I am now... :)

And don't feel bad. In outing you, I out myself, not only about JP but now about DW.

Anonymous said...

what!?! how could you not buy that new set of buffy dvds???? what is wrong with you???

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