Friday, March 30, 2007

searching, searching

Searching for something to say. I'm restless and full of energy. It's the weekend and I want to go have fun!!!

Instead I keep playing with that stupid Facebook. It's so damn addictive and I really don't know why. I guess it's like when I first started this space. Oh, those were the days. First thing I'd do in the morning would be to check my space. Then I'd race home after work to check again. I'd look at my stats numerous times a day. Yeesh.

Anyway, back to Facebook. I'm obsessed with adding to my list of friends. Because as we know, it's all just a popularity contest, and you just have to add everyone you can possibly think of. Someone you went to jr high with and never even spoke to? Someone you worked with for 3 days and barely remember? Someone you've never met but recognize them from someone else's blog? No problem, you're all pals on Facebook!

Come on jerks, join facebook and be my buddies!


Laoch said...

I don\'t think I understand the concept of facebook?

Aimee said...

that is why i don\'t make a facebook... 
:o) smiles easy to give away they are free... :o) very contagious... :o) so pass one to anyone ... :o) to people that you love... :o) and even to those you don\'t... :o) in no time the whole world will be smiling :o)

t i m said...

I\'m now officially hooked on facebook, it\'s odd finally knowing everyone\'s surnames from Spaces but its hella fun & I no longer have to write blogs if I don\'t want, so I might emigrate their permanently & ditch Spaces... maybe.

Heather said...

Add me H-A Johnson Ference....

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