Saturday, June 10, 2006

Happy things

I'm in the mood for blue today.

So today I did something fun. I met up with a Chinese girl who is going to tutor me in Mandarin. Yay! I found her through some website that listed language teachers. She is so nice! I actually had to convince her to let me pay her something. She said no no, this was just a good opportunity for her to practice English, but I just felt that would be taking advantage. So we agreed on the ridiculously low price of $15 for a two hour or more lesson. What a bargain! And she's so nice! She actually comes from Qingdao, a city that's just across the water from Dalian. I never went there, but I have plenty of history with their beer.

Anyhoo, that put me in a great mood and I'm very excited about practicing my Chinese. I was so giddy when I came home that I noticed that I was singing everything. It's bad enough if you catch yourself talking to yourself, but this was a step beyond. I was getting some food ready and realized that I was singing "toast toast toasty toast tuny tuny tuuuu-na". What a nerd.

Nerd nerd nerdy nerd nerdy nerdy nerd-o.


Laoch said...

Do you have a nice singing voice?

amanda said...

I can\'t think of a simile that would do justice to the horror that is me "singing".

Laoch said...

Ah, I will assume then, that you are the new Celine.

Jen said...

15 bucks? not too shabby at all.. once you\'re a pro you can teach all of us heh

bob said...

i\'m so glad you have something to sing about manders, that\'s terrific !

t i m said...

Ni Hao Mandersblue
Good luck with the Mandarin lessons. I thought you were fluent already after spending a little bit timeover there last year. All the best anyway, hope it all goes well.
Tae Care. ;)
Zai Jian

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