Friday, April 14, 2006


Had Passover dinner at my mom's house the other night and she sent me home with a nice little doggie bag of leftovers. This was the best one:

Haha! Takeaway wine in tupperware, how classy am I!


Laoch said...

Very classy

Melvin said...

Wow classy indeed! I was watching a wine show and they were talking about using plastic water bottles to save wine. The less air that gets to the wine the better the taste and vintage are preserved. Um, yeah I uh, watch tv shows about alcohol...That doesn\'t make me an alcoholic...hehe, Happy Easter.

hellachella said...

It\'s genius!  I\'ve been TRYING to fins the best way to send wine to school with my kids since the juice box people haven\'t gotten back to me re: my wine in a juice box for kids idea.

Rhiannon said...

haha take away wine...hum what a concept! haha

lori said...

I love your Mom!

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