Sunday, July 24, 2005

pic of the day

I got so caught up in my biking adventure, that I forgot to post a picture. So here's today's choice. I call it WhaddalottaWatermelons. Why? Because I'm a dork.



Isabella said...

That is alot of watermellons, lol....and I don\'t think that your a Dork, lol.(¯`v´¯) `·.¸.·´ ¸.·´¸.·´¨) ¸.·*¨) (¸.·´ (¸.·´ .·´¸¸.·´♡ Trish

Marley said...

That is a whole lot of watermelons....yummy! You just mentioning the word \'dork\' makes me wanna sing my new song, but I\'ll spare you!Take care.

Tracie said...

Whoa....that\'s a lot of watermelons. I How ya doing Manders???? I know I am reaching here....but ya got any baby photos?? or could someone email you one??? And then go to Wechy_poos and post it ??? Huh huh can ya??Needless to say: I have come to bug you to particpate in some fun! Have ya got a baby pic or under 3 years of age pic to share with your fellow spacers.Once you have them on your blog, please come back and comment HERE:!1pR_lCYsRPo4buU_aEZeJ8Vg!1968.entryAnd Wenchy-pooh will add them to a special photo album called "The Blog-Land Baby Book". Come on, no need to be shy! Let\'s see those bath pictures, smiles, first hair cuts, embarrrassing moments, whatever!BIG (((HUGZ)))

Tracie said...

Oh my gawd ...good thing it is morning and not just before I go to sleep and saw that dang bug!!! *Big eyes* sounds like your gonna have a good trip with your family at the end of the month! Can\'t wait to see some pics of yer family!(((HUGZ)))

Ten4Apricot said...

Thanks for the congrats. I knew I\'d cry but I was hoooppping for some Miss America style "Oh I\'m so touched tears" and instead I got a more "You just ran over my cat and my cancer is terminal" style of tears.

peabody said...

dem der\'s a whole lotta lie.

hellachella said...

The watermelons are cool. They really are, But I was more drawn the the large man with no shirt drinking what appears to be antifreeze in the background.

hellachella said...

It looks like that woman is concerned about him as well. there is more going on in this photo than meets the eye.

lisa said...


monty said...

my theory is maintained by this picture of a watermelon truck - food , food , food !(although I do prefer that to the shoilets and poo bum drunk )

Unknown said...

nice melons manders! =P.

Jen said...

holy watermelons!! My kids would be in heaven! they love em!

國華 said...

Hello mandersblue"WhaddalottaWatermelons". What does this word means?I know "Watermelons". You are not a dork. You are the person which has the wisdom! Have a great day & Good luck! Kiss from Taiwan!再见!Means:Good-bye!

t i m said...

hmmmm. melons:P

Laoch said...

What an adventure you have had Mader!

Jade said...

I\'ve got a loverly bunch a...oh wait a minute, thats coconuts :PLove yer mellons there girl :)

Josie said...

what a set of melons!!

NN said...


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