Saturday, July 23, 2005

biker chick extraordinaire


My alarm went off at 7 this morning and, as usual, I turned it off for another 10 minutes of rest. I opened my eyes again, and to my horror it was 7:43. I had to be at work at 8! ARGHH!!! Don't you hate that feeling? Although nothing wakes me up or makes me hop out of bed faster than that realisation. Oh crap, says my stomach as it lurches suddenly. And I'm up and moving even though my eyes are partially glued shut. Brush the teeth, a splash of water, yank some clothes over my sticky body (no time for the much desired shower) and I'm out the door! I would have to taxi it if I wanted to make it on time. Or was there another way??


There was! One I'd been too timid to try before. But this was no time to be bashful! I deftly maneuvered across the busy street, and boldly made my approach to.... the motorcycle man! All around town you can get lifts on motorbikes; it looks fun, and I knew it must be cheaper than a taxi for a short distance ride, but I always avoided asking about it. I was worried they wouldn't understand my mangled Chinese, or that they'd try to overcharge me. Well, today I would find out. So, with a deep breath, and a look of confidence, I went up.


It all went perfectly! I asked how much to go to Wusi Rd. He asked where on Wusi rd. I said the Ya Yuan Hotel. He said 2 kwai (30¢). It was amazing! I felt like a pro! ...Until I awkwardly scrambled on the bike, not sure where exactly to hold on, trying clumsily to hang on to my school stuff. And then away we went! Whoosh! We zipped through the traffic and I calmly told myself that I would NOT fall off.


I arrived at school on time, and very proud of myself (as you can probably tell since I've devoted an entire blog to my morning's transportation). I'm such a badass! Look at me on my hog, vroom vroom!! Yeah, dat's right... who's yo mamma? HA!


Ten4Apricot said...

youre braver than me sista

Megan said...

Hahaha! Score one for our side, boys...we\'ve got another convert! ;)

hellachella said...

You should have showed him your press on Canada tattoo. You are a hooligan!

Marley said...

ah, i love motorcycles....haven\'t been on one in years though. That definetely sounds more fun than a boring, old taxi. I\'ve woken up like that many times and I don\'t think it can be healthy at all. It just can\'t be all that good for your heart! From 0 to 60 in seconds! Glad that you made it in on time.

The Lovely Lindsey said...

I\'m terrified of those things... I would have been late instead

monty said...

ok , you\'re ready for stage 2 in oriental motorbike riding . this requires you to be the third person on the seat and hold a large birdcage . the 2nd passenger must of course be holding a plank of wood horizontally across his lap . he goes off , you go off . begin .

peabody said...

yer badass \'manda! i love it!u gotsta send me an e-mail on my website.. (look on my blog top right, then click contact) i know i know, i said i was gunna do the skype thing but i just haven\'t gotten around to it yet but this is the first step.. at least i\'ll have ya on my msn for the blogger-q ;)

Unknown said...

good for you! sounds like a blast and i am totally jelous! i would have been there first i think, but i really dig the bikes. glad you had fun though biker chick, lol ciao, michy

Jade said...

YAHOOO!!!!what\'s the use of being there if you don\'t partake of something like that!

Carmey said...

Hehehe! It\'s a big step you took!! to hale a motorcycle man in Dalian, I still have yet to try that~ and making it to school with only 17 mins till your class... wow! hehe~~

Caleb said...

That sounds awesome. 30 cents? I'd probably just do that all day. From bike to bike- always in a hurry.

There's a metaphor there, I know it.


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