Saturday, February 10, 2007

I found it!

Well, technically, Jennie found it. But who

cares, it's found! Turns out I never got past the initial notion that I

should put it somewhere safe. I obviously thought it, then got

distracted (the computer looks the likely culprit), because my sister

found it tossed haphazardly on a chair in her room.


Here are photos of some of my lovely birthday


LEFT: Balloons sent

from friend in NY, 30 roses from Mom delivered to work, and 80s trivia

from the girls!
RIGHT: Much missed Chinese milk tea and

hackysacks brought from Vancouver by Theran


Stars in Ice!

Row one - ON THE ICE!!!! From


I also got a great new

coat, and other things. But I'm really not fussed about the presents.

The best thing was having everyone there to celebrate with me. Party

photos to come... I just have to work up the nerve to post such drunken

images of



Laoch said...

Wow.  That was fast.

Will said...

I usually find missing items by looking for something else. Example: I recently found a missing notebook when I was looking for a pen. Just hours prior I was going nuts looking for that notebook.
My birthday celebrations may or may not appear in a future blog, the night\'s still young...

苗 said...

Hii!I am Dina. I visit your Blog secretly, do you know that ? It is nice to read your story and knowing you are doing fine.

Jade said...

What a fun bunch of stuff!!

t i m said...

Underneath the first picture it says 80, just so you know, you don\'t look anywhere near that age at all. :)

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