I need to make an addition to my list of 'suitable boy' criteria previously mentioned.
Funny, attractive, right age bracket, male. SINGLE.
I kind of thought that one went without saying, but now I feel the need to clarify. Because I may find someone who gets shiny gold stars next to all those other points, with the bonus of great chemistry (and other plusses I won't mention to spare my parents), but then goes and screws it all up by having a girlfriend. Sure, it's just one item on the list, but unfortunately that one is non-negotiable.
What are you thinking??
Boys are stupid. Be single forever. Answer to nobody, pick up nobody\'s socks, never have a mother in law or WORSE.. an EX MOTHER IN LAW.... invite a boy over, snuggle on the couch, then himthem away for a new variety of one.
Commitment is the devil.
Geeez.. Will we never learn??
And by \'himthem away\', I mean \'send him away... naturally.
Sorry. I\'m unfamiliar with this SINGLE business. What about those guys who are married to video games, or their cars or dirty magazines? Some of my friends can tell you everything about a car, and then look at the back of their girlfriends picture to remember her name. Well, I\'m definitely going to remain single. I just about asked a girl to help me make a snowwoman. and put her swimsuit on it. I\'m still not sure if that would be silly or perverted. But these thoughts will keep me single. I miss tobaganning too. I used to love having the tobaggan hooked up to a snowmobile on the farm lots of fun!! Or just plain old going down the hill. "What are you doing on that little red tricycle? Act your age, you know you\'re 43!" Little Red Tricycle by Napolean XIV. Would be silly to tobaggan now, well, without being drunk. And your brothers right James Bond didn\'t get many boobies this time. He used to be so sexist, what happened?
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