Monday, July 17, 2006

mission unaccomplished

Damnit, such a simple task and I failed! The day is over, and my goal of accomplishing something work related remains unrealized. I really thought I could do it today. I was going to be productive! But somehow the hours slipped by and now I'm clocking out with not a single completed task to my credit. I checked my email, surfed the net, looked at job postings, chatted, went for lunch, sent out lots of personal emails, and managed to put 3 booklets in a cabinet.


Oh wait, and I stapled something. A report has been sitting on my desk for about a week, waiting for me to do an evaluation. But it's all just loose sheets, so I stapled it. That's work related!


Actually, now that I checked, I didn't even staple it. I hole punched it so it's ready to go in it's file folder, and paper clipped it. What an rough day at the office!


Tomorrow, tomorrow I will be productive for sure.


Will said...

Hehe, I totally have days like that. All the time.

Miss said...

Got to love those days when you aim to be productive but other important life things get in the way like socializing, catching up with fellow human beings and well just technological fun stuff!
My love of computers is also my downfall in the world of work. There is just way too much out there to ignore online!

Theran said...

i have been wanting to do something with my days for quite a long time now. even on holidays!! i started yesterday at 11am with a giant tumbler of bushmills, had 4 by the time jeff got back from his sisters and then things i wanted to get things done too...find out exactly how to get to safeco field for the seattle baseball game tomorrow, where the hotel is. etc, but $5 martinis (double gin of course) intervened, i have to be up in about 5 hours and have no idea where we\'re going and no idea of a plan...well, just gonna have to wing it like i do with most things...

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