Friday, August 19, 2005

the video

A friend told me that he thought this was something I would do.... heh heh.... it is  my sense of humour, that's for sure!


It's working now, right?


islandgirl said...

Hey I like the dress......go for the short black, like you say most at home won\'t be any the wiser......No video....I guess that means the bandwidth is used up? Ah well, one of these days I\'ll get here in time!have a great weekend CU later!

hellachella said...

I see no video, kern sern it!

It's me, rant said...

It works now . I can see that

Bronweener said...

Ha ha ha ha ha ha lol that is so cool

isa said...

hey, i was hopeing you could please tell me how to play music on my site. i really would like to but have had unsuccessfull luck so far.take care.

Hayley said...

hi. i stalk u LOL kidding i just love your space, do u get music on your spacE? :D you r awesome and I hope that one day we can hang out :) <3

Hayley said...

oh and yes, i can see the video :D

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