Saturday, May 28, 2005

Finally, some preverts!

At last I got googled for hot teens! I changed my title because it hadn't generated any hits, but I was too hasty. The pervs will come, I just didn't give them enough time.

I had to spell it funny because p-e-r-v-e-r-t is a banned word!!


Politics said...

I haven\'t gooten any perverted Google searches. I get non-english ones sometimes - lol!

Drea said...

I always get perverted searches...even for things that I can\'t remember writing... Ha Ha... Oh the hillarity! Hope that you had a good weekend honey...Cheers,Drea

islandgirl said...

no exciting googles here either, I only got my first google the other day and it was about the biker shorts, glad I had what they were after, I only wonder if they managed to find it!!!!!!!!!.....have a great weekend!!!!

Marley said...

my googles are pretty boring.....I get the two headed baby from Oprah all the time. I actually got hit when someone typed in slutty shoes. And, I\'ve got a hit from someone looking for Bob Marley *pitchers*. If I could have reached thru my screen and punched them for that dumb ass spelling mistake, I would have! Have a good one! I never know whether to type "have a good night" or "have a good day" for u \'cause I don\'t what the hell time it is there ;)

Unknown said...

Hahahahahahaa you naughty gal you!!!!! So did ya ever see that pic I stole (insert question marks here ...)Go now ... and comment damnit ... i did it for YOU!!!!!!!1pLZHZWgTBckusD5vYR0KMTA!2905.entry=P

Jen said...

lol I love getting the pervy searches.. it\'s hilarious what some people look for

Isabella said...

Congratulations on all the hits! Woot. Yeah, I get some pretty odd google hits....strange people out there.*hugs*

Awesum said...

haha I bet whoever came to your site in search of porn wasn\'t too disappointed! LOL...hey I was checking out SweetLoreetaMartians space and you wrote Mario 3 was your fave game, well its mine too! They just don\'t make them like that anymore! Anyways, hope you had a great weekend :-)

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