So I finally added a list of blog links! I'm sure it will get updated soon, but for now, being relatively new to the game, these are the kids that made my list. Go on, give yourselves a pat on the back! I know that by being on my prestigious list I have finally validated your cyber existence. HA! Anyway, my list is still small, I hope to get more visitors and find more sites to follow myself. Hey, maybe YOU could be next!!!
Well, first of all I would like to thank my audience...I love you guys!!! Then I would like to thank God for making me so perfect and hard to parents for nurturing this perfectness...LMAO!!!! Yippee!!! Anyway to get more out there go sign up at It is a new site that list spaces by adult. It just started getting me a lot of new traffic. Go to it!!!!
I like your profile - you have that Bill Gates attitude "world domination" - lol! You got a real good space going on here. I laughed at the "Bugs" entry - hehhehe. I know from your point of view it was horrible but from ours - its down right funny. I liked the "my mechanical nemesis" entry too - lol! Keep it real mandersblue!
*gags at BbyGrrl\'s comment* lolS\'alright. You\'re not on mine either. :pIt takes some work to make my list. No free lovin\' round here. ;-)(but as she writes this, she suspects it won\'t be long, dammit) lol
okay, help with pics!If you have the edit it link, I\'m assuming you\'re using IE? Okay, next step is a server or online hosting service where you can upload your pics that you want to display. Do you have one already? If not, check this one out: It seems to be the fave of the day. Sign up, and figure out what your URL for referencing the pics will be. i.e., edit your post. Go to the Edit It link or favourite...then scroll down to the end of the box where you type in your post. Notice there\'s some small text there that reads "use html to edit your page"? Select that box.Okay, hang on will be back with more.....
With that box selected, if you scroll back up and check out your post, you\'ll notice some differences. (It\'s in HTML now). If you don\'t notice anything different, you did something wrong. Check to make sure the Edit It link is working, I\'m going to insert some examples of code that you can cut and paste into your own blogs. Remember, you need to modify the URLs to point to your OWN file hosting service, okay? I used these on my Mar 24th blog "happy long weekend" if you want to check out the finished product and how it looks once you post.<IMG height=440 src="http://<URL here>/babyg1.jpg" width=350 align=center><IMG height=150 src="http://<URL here>/babyg2.jpg" width=117 align=left> <IMG height=150 src="" width=116 align=right> Or you can simply use <img src="http://<URL here>/name_of_jpg"> and see how it turns out. Sometimes you need to resize with the height= and width= commands like above, and sometimes you don\'t. You can also align2
god damn, I keep running out of space. You can use the align syntax to move the images to the left of the screen, center, or right.Okay, so you paste one of those img src codes into your blog where you want the pic to show up. If you want to preview what it looks like (recommended) DESELECT the use "html to edit your page" checkbox and check it out. If it\'s not quite right and you need to resize, click the checkbox again, and modify the command to add height= and/or width= attributes. You totally have to piss around with it. I often have to play around a bit before I\'m happy with the finished product.Let me know if you need more help, and good luck.
Thanks for finding/signing my G spot. Hope it was good for you too!! (man this IS getting dirty). Have a great day, pop over whenever you want, Bryanmart\'s having a sale on saturday.
hey there :) just saw you on peabody\'s sight...i came over cuz i thought you were someone else. i was wrong, but glad i dropped by anyway. great site and love your pics! how long have you been in china?drop in to my blog sometime when you\'re free...door\'s always open :)
WOOO HOOOO I made your list, i made your list..
Oh shut up eBunz!!! And that\'s not what I hear about the free!!!All good in the hood!Is k Manda...we cool!
Hey! Just cuz some 14 year old named Death likes to jerk off to my pictures online, DOES NOT mean that I sleep around!Though the thought is somewhat appealing....;-)
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