So I was browsing through other people's spaces yesterday, when suddenly I saw it. My name in lights! Okay, so it wasn't in lights, it was just a link on the side, and technically it wasn't my name either, just the "whoopdeedoo" title of my webpage....but still it was refering to me! Lil ole not-humble-for-long me! Listed under 'other sites i like'. Wahoo! I'm an internet superstar (not of the porn variety). My first favourable review. My first review at all, for that matter. I was so giddy. Of course, I will not take my newfound fame lightly. I realise that now that I am a role model, I have a reputation to uphold. In fact, the pressure is quite great. I mean, now I have to make sure my site is in top form at all times! I must be constantly witty and entertaining! It's impossible! Oh god, I don't know if I can take it up here at the top.....
Spread the word... she\'s loosing her marbles...
your on mine too!!
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